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Artist's Background

Spiky Pink hair  black and white drawing
red hair
Prom Art
Fine Art degree at University of Central Lancashire 1987

​An oil painting artist working from historical Lancaster, using old-master atelier techniques as a foundation to create dark and dramatic, alternative realistic oil paintings, ranging from landscapes, portraits, architectural subjects and still life, with a unique sublime feel. Love of Punk and alternative music/culture also inspires sumptuous high definition graphite pencil drawings, portraits and graphics. From a rich history of family craftsmen and artist makers(seamstresses, carpenters, glass and leather crafts people). These high contrast oil paintings evoke an emotional response and encapsulate the essence of a memory or an experience. Not one to take the conventional route, working small or large, exhibiting in roving galleries in The Lake district and art exhibitions around the north.           

 Earliest memory was an overwhelming urge to draw and paint! Since then it has been a life long journey of artistic practice and discovery. Art is part of every day, acute observation of our surroundings, analyzing in terms of colour, shapes, forms and textures. Exploring a rich variety of  creative mediums, including  acrylics, oil pastel, graphite pencil, charcoal, pen/ink, watercolours, coloured pencil, jewellery, bookbinding, pattern cutting and fashion design. Looking at the world in a different way. Following natural artistic instincts and losing yourself in the processes involved to provide a solid foundation to build from.  A combination of Life drawing and strong traditional Atelier technique's. Clarifying self taught habits and reducing or omitting lengthier methods. Ultimately to create my own individual voice.

Growing up, you made your own style, being creative with what you could find. Expressing your individuality was very important to who you were. Music and music culture was part of your life and has never stopped being so to this day!

Achieved a BA(HONS) in Fine Art at the University of  Central Lancashire. After starting on a degree in Fashion, I convinced the Art department of my passion for art, swapping over to the Fine Art degree course, first person to do so at that time! Much later, returning to study at The Edinburgh Atelier of Fine Art, on some amazing workshops with Internationally renowned Artist, tutor and Author, Juliette Arstide's and American portrait artist Michelle Dunaway. As well as studying Bargue drawing techniques with the exceptional staff at the Atelier in Edinburgh.

Worked in various jobs, including doing piece work as a sewing machinist. On the very sound advice given to me by my Degree Art tutor.  I embarked on a solo journey to discover the world and to search for artistic inspiration and to gain life experience .  Absorbing all these new experience's and visiting numerous galleries, museums, historical architecture, towns and landscapes in Australia (Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Alice Springs, Ayers rock and The Olga's, Darwin and Cairns), New Zealand, Singapore, Fiji and Bali.  And over the years, also visiting Thailand (Banghok, Phuket and James Bond and Krabi island's), Greece, Germany (Berlin before the wall came down), Italy ( Pisa, Venice and Florence), France (Paris and Carcassonne), Spain (Madrid and Granada), Turkey and Luxembourg. Returning to appreciate even more my local surroundings.

Being a female artist and a mother are things I am proud of and have grounded me to the important things in life. Enhancing my multi tasking abilities! So many talents have been lost in history's past due to circumstances, responsibilities and doing what is expected of you. Being the main parent of two daughters and a carer to my youngest, has meant appreciating  time more, making it count. It has actually focused the mind and made prioritising essential. Creating more unusual ways to fit time in for artistic work into each day, more so than when there were less commitments!

Inspirational artists are many, but amongst those, who have had a strong influence are John Singer Sargent, for his energy and beautiful effortless brushstrokes. John Martin for his apocalyptic paintings, ahead of his time! The Pre-Raphaelites, especially Edward Burne-Jones, for the exquisite detail and romantic narratives. Kay Neilson and Aubery Beardsley for their amazing line and drama. And many more on an ever growing list to see!  Constantly finding new inspiration, on a continually enjoyable journey of artistic discovery !

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